We connect tech-for-good projects with skilled volunteers and socially responsible companies.
Develop your idea
Find passionate volunteers
Access global talent
Organization Type
Intellectual Property (IP)
*Social enterprises must execute an agreement with volunteers that complies with DemocracyLab's Terms of Volunteering and Terms of Use.
Make an impact
Differentiate your company
Attract talent
Engage your team
Drive performance
Give back to your community
"At Amazon, we are continually looking for ways to achieve more with less, and work hard to raise the bar for customer experience. DemocracyLab provided us with an impactful way to use our skills to help non-profits achieve more, and contribute to improving the experience of their customers. It was time well spent - fun, impactful, important."
"These sorts of internal hackathons-for-good are a great way for teams to make a meaningful positive impact for nonprofits"
"Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Providing impactful volunteering opportunities is an important part of our strategy to make this a reality for our purpose-driven employees. We support DemocracyLab because their platform and programs provide a fun and impactful way for anyone with time and talent to follow their personal passions and make a difference in the world."
"DemocracyLab has been a great resource for FareStart as we’ve sought opportunities to connect with the local tech sector. Thanks to DemocracyLab, we’ve been able to recruit a diverse group of skilled volunteers. As a project leader, I’ve appreciated the structure DemocracyLab has provided, along with the best practices and reminders they’ve shared. We are grateful for the platform and community that DemocracyLab has built."
"DemocracyLab has been instrumental in adding momentum to Ready Set Vote. I can think of no better way to connect with volunteers, not only for hackathon-style events, but to cultivate ongoing, meaningful relationships with people who want to contribute to a project like ours."
"DemocracyLab has become an essential networking tool and resource for state programs looking to engage the civic tech community. The ability to credibly mobilize interested talent over longer periods has made a real difference to government stakeholders."
"DemocracyLab has found the secret sauce to attract volunteer talent, inspirational projects, and put them together so that progress happens. It may sound easy, but we know it’s not. DemocracyLab makes it work and it gets better with every hack."
"DemocracyLab has helped Orcasound build our open source community while making incremental progress on design and coding challenges during one day events. Many hackathon volunteers come and go, but some have dedicated hundreds of hours to our project outside of the hackathons themselves."
"Seattle is home to some of the most innovative thinkers and technologists anywhere in the world who want to use their talent to address social challenges. It’s why we formed an Innovation Advisory Council, and it’s why groups like DemocracyLab exist."
"I’ve been looking for a way to use my skills to do good in the world, and I’m so glad to see there’s a group organized specifically around doing just that!"
"DemocracyLab gave me a chance to learn and grow my skillsets in a new career. The experiences I gained through my work with DemocracyLab set me up for long-term success as a Product Manager."
"The Virtual Hospital For Beneficiaries in Africa project started to take shape once we became part of the DemocracyLab family. Our skills gap problem faded as highly skilled volunteers reached out to collaborate on this potentially highly impactful initiative."
"Thank you, DemocracyLab! Through the hackathons and the web presence we’re growing a committed, talented team of contributors. Taking the first, simple step of creating a project on DemocracyLab provided a concrete way to move past an idea and into a real effort which others could join. That first step has made all the difference for us at RHours."